Comparison: SSL Certificate Cost, Features & Brands

SSL Certificate Cost

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is the first step to data encryption and ensuring customer trust. There are different SSL certificate cost, brands, and levels of assurance.

SSL Comparison: Assurance Levels

There are three levels of assurance for SSL certificates:

1. Highest Assurance: The highest trust assurance is boosted by EV SSL certificates. You need to verify your domain along with personal and Organization’s verification.

2. Medium Assurance: Here comes Organization Validation (OV) SSL. You need to verify your domain and organization’s identity.

3. Low Assurance: Domain Validated SSL is the most basic form of encryption which requires domain verification.

SSL Certificate Cost & Brands

Different brands offer different types of SSL certificates. When making a decision, you need to check the price, reputation, and features to ensure it perfectly suits your needs.

1. Comodo

comodo ssl certificates

Comodo is the best choice for startups and small businesses. It is #1 Certification Authority.

Comodo offers a wide range of certificates starting from as low as $9/yr for Domain Validation.

The features of Comodo include:

  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Immediate validation and issuance
  • Unlimited server licenses
  • $1,750,000 warranty

2. GeoTrust

geotrust ssl 1 SSL certificate cost

It offers a number of SSL certificates which include True BusinessID ($100/yr), True BusinessID with EV ($185/yr), and True BusinessID Wildcard ($275/yr).

Features of Geotrust include:

  • 256-bit encryptions
  • Extended Validation
  • 99% browser compatibility
  • Warranty: $50,000 to $100,000

GeoTrust is an ideal choice for small and medium businesses because of the price range.

3. VeriSign

VeriSign is now known as Norton Secured Seals. It is popular foe being the most secure SSL certificate provider.

The company offers various certificate options, such as Secure Site ($399/yr), Wildcard ($1,999)(Pro ($995/yr), EV Site ($995/yr), and Pro EV Site ($1499/yr).

The Secure Site version has 40/256 – bit encryption while the Pro EV SSL offers 128/156 – bit encryption. Encryptions at 128 bits are enabled to calculate 288 times as many combinations as 40-bit encryption. That means the 128 bit is trillion times a trillion times stronger than 40 bit.

If you get VeriSign SSL for your website, you can display the Norton security site seal to establish security and authority.

The features include:

  • Daily malware scanning
  • Norton secured seal
  • Seal in search
  • Refund policy
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • $1,750,000 warranty

SSL Certificate Cost Comparison for EV

Green Address BarYesYes
Site SealNoNo
Server LicensingUnlimitedPer Server Basis
SAN SupportFull ControlAdditional Paid Feature
Vulnerability AssessmentYesYes
Malware ScanYesYes
Get SecuredGet Secured


How much does it cost for a SSL certificate?

The cost of an SSL certificate has an extensive range. While you can get an SSL certificate for free, the banks and large financial institutions spend up to $500,000 on the secure SSL certificates. It depends on the business needs. An information blog does not need an expensive certificate, but a bank site cannot risk buying the low price SSL.

Do I need to pay for SSL certificate?

Yes, you need to pay for SSL certificates. There are free SSL certificates too in the market that offers the same level of encryption. The paid one is issued and signed by the certificate authority. Premium SSL certificate cost range from $XX to $XXXX, but they do have their perks.

Where can I buy an SSL certificate?

Many sites are selling SSL certificates. Pick any one that suits the needs of your website.

What is the best free SSL certificate?

Comodo is the best SSL certificate, but it is not free. Though you can get 90 days trial period. SSL for Free also offers free SSL certificates.

Wrap Up

A premium SSL certificate cost could be high, but if you are running a business which have frequent online transaction, it is better to invest in a good SSL certificate.

In this post I mentioned three fantastic SSL providers, and the cost of SSL certificate they provide.

If there is any issue, or questions, leave them in comment box.

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