Magento Cache Management – Common but Useful Magento Caching Tips

magento cache management

The Magento cache in Magento 1.X is managed under System->Cache Management

Magento Cache Management Dashboard

magento cache management

After clicking that link you should see a full list of your caches, similar to below.

The types of caches may vary depending on what extensions/FPCs or even Varnish modules you have enabled.

magento cache

In the above case, we see this site is using the standard Magento caches alongside Varnish through the Turpentine module. Caches that are invalidated with show up as Invalidated in a red bubble under the Status column.

Invalidated is not necessarily bad, it just means the caches are out of date and could be serving older content.

Read More: Magento 2.3 Out Now

Flushing Magento Cache

  1. Log into your Magento admin.
  2. Go to the System->Cache Management
  3. Check the boxes on the left for the caches you want to flush

flushing magento cache

4.  Select Refresh from the actions drop down in the top right

flush magento cache

5. Hit Submit, those caches are now refreshed/flushed for you.

Alternatively, you can flush every cache by clicking the “Flush Magento Cache” near the top right of the Cache Management area.

Must Read: Guide on How to Hire a Magento Developer

Flushing Redis Cache

If your site is using Redis-cache, the above methods should still work to clear/refresh the cache. But you can also flush redis specifically on our servers by running this command on our servers via SSH.

$ redis-cli flushall

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